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Home » Brandel Chamblee: The U.S. Open Aficionado

Brandel Chamblee: The U.S. Open Aficionado

Picture this: A sunny afternoon in Philadelphia, and golf analyst Brandel Chamblee is wandering through Ivy Hill Cemetery, passionately recounting the legacy of four-time U.S. Open champion Willie Anderson. From mid-May through Memorial Day, Chamblee’s schedule is nothing short of hectic, yet he embraces every moment with a tireless love for the game.

This past May, Chamblee hopped from Louisville for the PGA Championship to his home in Scottsdale, then embarked on a multi-state golf trip with friends, only to end up flying to Philadelphia on Memorial Day. His destination? The U.S. Women’s Open in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, but not before an exciting tour of Philadelphia’s golf history.

Accompanied by Darren Riehl, the producer of the GOLF Originals series, Chamblee took a fascinating journey through the city’s iconic golf sites. Their first stop was Ivy Hill Cemetery to visit Anderson’s gravesite. Chamblee’s knowledge is nothing short of encyclopedic — he even shared that boxing legend Joe Frazier and tennis great Bill Tilden are also buried there.

Chamblee’s reverence for Anderson is palpable. He lamented the lack of detailed information about Anderson’s swing and GIR stats, showcasing his deep investment in golf’s history. Throughout their tour, Chamblee continued to impress with his in-depth insights — a testament to his near 50-year immersion in the sport.

The next stops included Merion’s 13th tee and the Philadelphia Country Club, where Byron Nelson won the 1939 U.S. Open. Chamblee, who personally knew Nelson, was thrilled to walk the same fairways where Nelson’s and Sam Snead’s performances became legendary. Despite his extensive experience in golf, Chamblee confessed he’d never been to these historical spots before.

Dressed in a tailored blazer, Chamblee embodied the elegance of golfing legends like Dave Marr. His enthusiasm was contagious as he took in the sights, commented on modern players’ swings, and shared the legends’ stories with palpable excitement.

Chamblee’s passion extends beyond historical anecdotes. He’s known for his strong opinions on issues like LIV Golf and golf-ball rollbacks, always backed by a deep-rooted love for the game’s traditions and rules. His profound engagement with golf is evident not just in his commentary but also in his daily life. As he puts it, ‘Every day to wake up and have some purpose, that keeps you going? It’s a gift.’

His words resonate deeply, especially after an evening of golf history exploration followed by a late-night drive to Lancaster for the U.S. Women’s Open. Even with such a grueling schedule, Chamblee declared he enjoyed every moment of it. It’s clear that his commitment to the game is unwavering.

Brandel Chamblee is not just an analyst; he’s a living, breathing repository of golf lore, always eager to learn and share more. His vast knowledge and passionate delivery make him an invaluable asset to the world of golf broadcasting.

As the 2024 U.S. Open approaches, viewers can look forward to Chamblee’s expert analysis fueled by a lifetime of dedication to golf. His unique perspective and deep respect for the game’s history make him a standout figure in the sport.

Source: Golf ˙ Youtube


Paul Lewis is a lifelong golfing enthusiast who has dedicated his life to the game he loves. With a passion that has fueled his journey, Paul's unwavering commitment to golf has shaped him into a knowledgeable and experienced individual in the world of golf.

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